Kära BNS Berättarnätet Sveriges medlemmar!

Via FEST Federation of European Storytelling har vi fått den här inbjudan till en berättarfestival i Amman, Jordanien från Hakaya Network. Kanske är detta något som är av intresse för dig eller din grupp. Projektansökan skall vara inne senast den 30 maj.

Dear members of FEST  federation of European Storytelling and BNS Storytelling network of Sweden. We forward you the following request that we just got from the Hakaya Network, we hope it is of your interest.


Marina Granlund,  Ordförande i BNS, Ledamot i Ec FEST

10th Hakaya Festival

Amman, Jordanien 10-15  September 2017

Call for Applications

Al Balad Theater and the Arab Education Forum are pleased to announce the call for applications to participate in the Tenth edition of the Hakaya Festival that will take place in Amman, Jordan between the 10th and 15th of September, 2017in collaboration with the ArabTheater Training Centre / Lebanonand El Warsha Theater Group / Egypt.

The festival has the following objectives:

  1. Reclaim the centrality of stories to learning, art and life.
  2. Enhance the culture and art of storytelling in Jordan.
  3. Present diverse storytelling experiences from around the world.
  4. Provide a space for interaction between storytellers from the Arab world in particular and the world in general.
  5. Provide training opportunities for beginner and advanced storytellers.
  6. Connect between different disciplines that are mutually enriching for the art of storytelling such as oral history, theatre, films, etc..

Themes for the 10th edition:

The festival artistic committee has decided to focus this edition of the festival around four central themes that reflect current concerns both regionally and globally. Projects are still welcome for submission even if they do not fall within these themes.

  1. Tales of the revolution.
  2. Tales of travel and migration.
  3. Human tales from around the world (traditional and contemporary).
  4. Tales of the city.

This call for applications is open to:

  • Storytelling performances (Traditional or contemporary, in all languages)
  • Theatre performances (Monodrama or any type of performing arts based on storytelling)
  • Multi-media / Installations (Video or audio or others)
  • Workshop / Training (Training for youth or adults on storytelling or performance techniques or other relevant issues)
  • Films (Short or feature that use storytelling as a primary communication tool or are based on people’s stories/lives)
  • Meetings (about storytelling and its connection to literature, art, learning, and life).
  • Research / Publications (e.g. Oral history collections, personal narratives, etc…).

If you are interested in presenting your work at this year’s festival please fill out the application form (attached) and send it before the 30this of May 2017 to:


10th Hakaya Festival  Amman, 10-15  September 2017

Application Form

Application Deadline: 30th May 2017

Please send completed application form to: info@hakaya.org and info@al-balad.org

Application Requirements

In addition to the application form please send the following:

3-5 supporting images in high resolution.

At least one video link of your performance or event (where applicable).


Detailed presentation of your proposal for an artistic project, film, or workshop.

Your application will be considered incomplete if it does not include all the supporting materials.

You can also send materials by mail to:

Al Balad Theatre
P.O.Box 7990
Amman 11118

info@hakaya.org and info@al-balad.org

On behalf of the partners,

Raed Asfour

Al Balad Theatre