Berättarnätet Sverige

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The Storytelling Network Sweden, BNS, is an umbrella organization that brings together the Swedish storytelling movement. In june 9-12 BNS will host the FEST-conference in Västerbotten. BNS is a non-profit organization and is run by a volunteer board of directors. BNS organizes only associations not individuals. The 26 member associations are situated all over the country , from north to south. This is what BNS does:

  • bns kartaBNS organizes central training for its members.
  • Annual meeting. A member association organizes the annual meeting once a year where we have the training , network and share experiences .
  • On the website you can read about news of member associations and everything related to storytelling in Sweden and the world.
  • The website also includes a national calendar where all the member organizations market their storytelling events .
  • BNS supports new member organizations with expertise on how to start storytelling events and how to run an association.

BNS primary purpose is both to promote the oral tradition and promoting awareness and dissemination of the oral storytelling. BNS has also , in their capacity as an umbrella organization , a supportive and networking function for the Swedish storytellers movement where our member associations are included.

The annual meeting , where the board is elected annually, is the highest governing body of the association. In connection with the annual meeting always some kind of major storytelling event takes place.

BNS has overall responsibility as the head of the national contest of storyslam. 

BNS is a member of FEST, Federation for European Storytelling. FEST has an anual conference and in June 2014 the conference took place in Västerbotten in nothern Sweden. You can read about it here:

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