Berättarnätet Sverige

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Yes, you are the tribe — the tellers of tales — the diggers for truth in a time of lies.

Årets berättrförening1_72dpiI april 2016 höll Berättarnätet Sverige sitt årsmöte och medlemsdagar i samband med Berättarfestivalen i Skellefteå. Vi fick vara med i en workshop med William Ayot från Wales

På Berättarfestivalen 2016 medverkade William Ayot från Wales. Han föreläste bland annat om content marketing baserat på storytelling och ledde även ett par workshops. William summerade efteråt sin medverkan i en dikt som vi nu vill dela med oss av – en hälsning till de han träffade i Skellefteå, till alla berättare och till kraften i berättelserna.


There’s a tale in all of us that needs to be told,
a story that the world is waiting to hear.
We don’t know who the hero, or the heroine is,
and the outcome’s unclear.
We don’t know the ending.
But we do know that there will be an adventure,
that something will change us, even in the telling.

Maybe the princess in us will arise
as she hears the song of her Beloved;
or a young man’s telling of the violence he’s done
will calm the rage that did such harm.

Maybe the songlines of a hundred generations
will issue from the mouth of a didgeridoo,
growling and throating its ancient healing
down the long, sad body of our broken time —
from Byron Bay to Brisbane, to Västerbotten,
from the red rock of Uluru to Skellefteå —

or maybe the thief who is not a thief,
or the Palestinian who is not a terrorist;
or the mother or the daughter, or the lover or the wife,
or the Finn, or the Dane, or the fat man from Wales
will stand amongst us and speak for us all.

for we are the tribe who tell the tales
that heal the heart of this tired, old world —
and we carry the weight, and our bodies shine,
as light as the snowflakes that fall outside.

Yes, you are the tribe — the tellers of tales —
the diggers for truth in a time of lies.
To hear your stories is to be enchanted,
And to stand with you has been a blessing.

© William Ayot
Skellefteå. April, 2016

Foto: Kerttu Jokela

Medlemsdagar och årsmöte i Berättarnätet Sverige

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